Why are values important for our GIMsters?
The core values of a GIMster defines the way we work together at GIM Robotics. That is the short answer of why values are so important, but continue reading and maybe you understand what defines our GIMsters values...
Every company has their values proudly on their web pages, posters around the office and on marketing materials, but have you every thought why? It might sound like a stuffy, big old-fashioned thing that are churned out by people who searched what words resonate with the current trends, put them on a poster and never think about them again... but core values are not only a poster on the wall at GIM Robotics. We live by them and expect our stakeholders to do so as well.
At GIM Robotics we defined our values together, we brought our personal core values to life and most of us are already living them. Our values are the best qualities of our squads, captured into a framework that we can use to make better decisions, hire the best new GIMsters and pass on our company's culture to the future GIMsters.
During March 2022 GIM Robotics had a Values Workshop where every GIMster could attend and influence the end result. The old values were formed during 2019 but it was clear that we needed to redefine them. The end result of the workshop redefined then our core organisational values that are ingrained principles that guide all our actions at work.
Here are the results:
Foster wellbeing
As a specialist organisation, our livelihood is our employees, aka the GIMsters. We want to take care of our GIMsters in the best possible way, and our policies, processes and benefits are planned around that principle. At GIM Robotics we have an extensive leisure time insurance policy, occupational health care, recreational and lunch benefits to make sure the GIMsters can focus on having a carefree downtime after work. In addition to these, we have flexible working hours and a hybrid working model that allows our GIMsters to work remotely to ensure that their personal life is well intertwined with the working life.
Our commitment:
"We, the GIMsters, are the most important part of our livelihood as a community and a company. Together we form an environment where everyone feels safe, connected, valued and cared for."

Treasure competence
Since robotics and automation is a fairly specific niche, it is not always easy to find people with the right skills in the talent pool. That is why GIM Robotics has pledged to treasure the competence GIMsters have and build further on that. We have inhouse Innovation Camps, TechTalks and Software Blitz events in addition to workshops and trainings that are held both internally and externally. We have allocated one working day per sprint towards self-development and encourage GIMsters to work on projects outside of their direct scope of work in Special Interest Groups (SIG's). The Start-Up innovation vibe is important for the culture to foster in order to keep up with current trends.
Our commitment:
"We aim for excellence and create solutions that work. We seek new ideas and constantly develop our skills. We are passionate about using our strengths to improve the world around us. "

Appraise integrity
At GIM Robotics we walk the walk and talk the talk. We trust that everyone in the squad does their part and the best they can. We support each other to fulfil our organisation’s mission by sharing our time, resources, constructive feedback and advice with our fellow GIMsters. GIM Robotics keep on inspiring GIMsters to come up with new ideas and processes that make the everyday life at the organisation smoother and innovate something that the customers and the company could gain from.
Our commitment:
"We value honesty, our commitment and others. We treat everyone with kindness, understanding and respect. We create a safe space for all to express themselves and their perspectives."

Win and fail together
In a Start-up based company where everything and everyone is still on a learning curve towards a common goal, it is important to keep your mind open for new possibilities. The base of GIM Robotics is to dare to speak up, ask and sometimes even fail. But the culture here nurtures GIMsters to do just that, win and fail together with their fellow squad members. Management is committed to communicate honestly about the current situation of the company and keeping the promises they make by supporting the organisation's values.
Our commitment:
"We communicate openly, take responsibility over our words and actions and support one another. We celebrate wins and embrace mistakes as learning opportunities and crucial ingredients for innovation."

Our company values can be found in our daily operations and that is what makes GIM Robotics such a tightknit community of robotics engineers, marketing & sales experts, people-centric professionals, research and development enthusiasts, safety guardians and coffee lovers.