Boost your mind, body and soul through vacations - GIMster edition
At GIM Robotics, one of our core values is fostering employee well-being. It is essential that we ensure our GIMsters regularly unwind and take the well-deserved time off. It is not only the mind that needs a break; your body and your soul also require time to recover from the first half of the year. Vacations, especially summer vacations, are the perfect opportunity to reduce stress levels, catch up on sleep, and sit in stillness to reflect on questions like, “What do I really want out of my career at GIM Robotics?”.
In an era where burnout and mental health issues are prevalent, taking care of the basics is crucial before diving into real development areas at work. Vacations, weekends, afternoons, and holidays allow the mind, body, and soul to take a break from daily stress and focus on other things that are maybe not that closely related to what you do at work. The global pandemic has blurred the lines between work and home, benefiting some but making it difficult for others to unwind properly. So when you get home after a day at the office or close the computer at the home office, try to have a ritual on how to change the mode to "your own time".
Have you ever heard a coworker say they “don’t have time to take a vacation”? Ask them why they feel that way. People in managerial roles or positions of responsibility often find it hard to unwind, even during a vacation. However, what could possibly go wrong in a week or two that other team members cannot handle or that cannot wait until you return? Many of us have a distorted view of our own importance, leading to a constant sense of urgency. What if you could step back, change your perspective, and allow yourself to feel less indispensable for a while? If you can do this, you can really reach all the benefits vacations can give us.
I asked some of our GIMsters what they would do to unwind during their vacations. Sailing, biking and fishing was amongst them but the most important thing is to not have a tight schedule. Don't demand too much from your vacation or recovery. It should not be stressful and full of performances and it does not have to be perfect to be good an restorative. And if you notice something that promotes your well-being during your vacation, think about how you could incorporate it into your everyday life?

Here are some tips to make the most of your vacation:
Set Limits on your Reachability
Ideally, turn off emails and phone calls, but if that’s not possible, ensure your team knows you’re on vacation to set the bar high enough and make them contemplate on whether or not they will call. Update your calendar and messaging platforms to show you’re out of office. Unless something requires immediate attention, don’t respond.
Create Simple Goals for your Vacation
While vacations shouldn’t be about rigid schedules, set a simple new goal for yourself. Go on a camping trip, minimise screen time, or start a new hobby. Use this opportunity to indulge in something different, perhaps something you didn’t have time for during a regular week. Learn how to knit, a new coding language or read a book you never have the time for.
Enjoy the Outdoors
Finnish summers are beautiful, and even rainy days can be refreshing. Even in densely populated cities here in Finland, you can find nature parks or lakes nearby. Explore your city from a new perspective, and ask colleagues for their tips on local activities. A tourist trip to a neighbouring city might be the perfect and cost-effective getaway. Maybe you will take the bicycle instead of the bus and make it a workout at the same time!
Avoid Overplanning
One of the key rules in my opinion is to not over plan the whole vacation. Yes there might be a cruise or cottage trip coming up, but don't set any exact dates on when, what and where unless it is a must. When visiting a new city or even going to the cottage, set one goal for the day and let the rest unfold naturally. This way, you won’t rush, and you can explore and relax in a way that soothes your mind and soul.
Prepare for Your Return
To ease the transition back to work, set aside a day or two before for some chores. If you are like me and want the place to be neat, do some house cleaning and laundry before returning. Block off the first morning back at work to go through emails and organise your tasks for the next few weeks. This will help you have a smoother landing and ease your way back into a structured routine.
The bottom line is that our GIMsters will benefit mentally, physically, and spiritually from their vacations, but our community will benefit from this as well. When we ensure that our GIMsters regularly take time off we create a more sustainable workplace with healthier and happier people. So, take that well-deserved break and come back rejuvenated and ready to achieve your dreams!
If you are interested in reading more about our GIMsters career stories, other blog posts or tips, visit our Blog posts site here!